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Lots more exciting stuff to come

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This innovative device aims to revolutionize seated VR
experiences, and after trying it out firsthand, I can confidently say it delivers on that promise.

— GamerDEAL

Look & Turn

Clip the Roto Head Tracker to your VR headset and be turned to where you look as if by magic.

Now you can explore 360° VR effortlessly and without needing to use artificial controls such as teleportation to avoid motion sickness.


Haptic feedback in your hands through the Quest 2 motion controllers is great, but it is so much better when you can feel it reveberating through your entire body

Powered by strong haptics, sound is re-imagined as visceral sensations that literally bring content to life, delivering a more immersive experience.

What the press are saying?

Mirror Gaming

The next title I tried out was Marvel’s Iron Man VR where I played as – you guessed it – Iron Man…Testing out this title, in particular, really hammered home the power the Roto VR Explorer gives you when it comes to movement and navigation within virtual reality.

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By addressing longstanding issues in VR gaming and enhancing the overall experience, Roto and Meta have created a product that truly pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in virtual reality.

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Game Rant

The chair's Look & Turn technology allows it to rotate as players turn their head, so players get a full, 360 degree VR experience without having to adjust their viewpoint with the controller stick.

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